
About Doctor

Dr. Sangeeta Thakurani

MS, Mch (Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Sangeeta Thakurani is a Senior Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon practising in the beautiful pink city since11 years. She iswell trained in her field and iscountedamongthe top practising female cosmetic surgeonsof the city .A keen sense of observation, an unmatched aesthetic eye and a practical and reasonable approach to patients make hera reputed practitioner of thecity.

After MBBS She acquired her Masters in Gen Surgery from Rajasthan Univ of Health Sciences and later on studied in the very prestigious Post Graduate Institure of Medical Sciences Chandigarh for her specialisation in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery which isalso reckoned to be the best institure in India offering this degree .After completing her superspecialiation she visited a couple of Surgeons in United States to hone her skills. Soon after she joined the reputed Medanta Medicity where she worked as Attending ConsultantPlastic Surgery with some of the best Surgeons of her field. .But being academically inclined she chose to join Medical college soon after inher owncity Jaipur.

Currently she is working as a Professor in one of the biggest tertiary institutes of North India, SMS medical College and Hospital The hospital has a well equipped Departmet and also offers traiming for future plastic surgeons. Dr Sangeeta has 8 research publications in Indian and International Journals and many more are on theway. Dr Sangeeta also runs her own clinic where she offers precise clinical advice and some of the best non invasive treatments to her clients in a pleasant , private and proper set up.She regularly attends conferences and workshops to always stay abreast of latest techniques and treatments which she incorporates inher practise.